Live workshop


Tuesday, April 9th
9-10am PT, 12-1pm ET, 6-7pm CET


About this workshop

Sign up for a new advanced Weaviate workshop. Learn all about Multimodal data use cases and how the power of vector databases and Weaviate can be leveraged in different scenarios. Along with a  great hands-on experience, you also get answers to your questions!


Join us for a discussion and live Q&A


Zain Hasan

Senior Developer Advocate, Weaviate

Zain Hasan is a senior ML developer advocate at Weaviate. An engineer and data scientist by training, he pursued his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Toronto building artificially intelligent assistive technologies, then founded his company, VinciLabs in the digital health-tech space. More recently he practiced as a consultant senior data scientist in Toronto. Zain is passionate about the fields of machine learning, education, and public speaking.