Live office hours


Wednesday, April 10th
3-4 pm CET / 10-11 am ET


About office hours

Topic: Chunking/ Ask Me Anything
Experts of the Week: JP Hwang, Zain Hasan

Weaviate Office Hours are a great chance to meet our experts personally and ask them all the questions you always wanted.

For each session, we are inviting different Weaviate experts around a specific topic to share their knowledge and provide as much value to you as possible.

However, you are highly welcome to join and ask any questions you might have! Come and join the discussion--even if your questions are not around chunking 💚

Our office hours are live and not recorded!

Also join #office-hours in our community slack for an enhanced hybrid experience, news and async communication.



Join our panelists for live Q&A.

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JP Hwang

Educator, Weaviate

JP is a developer and educator who is passionate about learning and enabling others to do more. He is a Technical Curriculum Developer at Weaviate, working on educational efforts such as Weaviate Academy, online and live workshops, as well as the technical documentation.

Zain Hasan

Senior Developer Advocate, Weaviate

Zain Hasan is a developer advocate at Weaviate. An engineer and data scientist by training, he pursued his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Toronto building artificially intelligent assistive technologies, then founded his company, VinciLabs in the digital health-tech space. More recently he practiced as a consultant senior data scientist in Toronto. Zain is passionate about the fields of machine learning, education, and public speaking.